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October 6, 2009 at 11:44 am Leave a comment

Save Family, Save Society – National Grassroots Campaign by ICNA

Message from ICNA President, Dr. Zahid Bukhari
Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

We pray this letter reaches you in the state of high Iman and health, ameen.

Alhamdulillah, we are pleased to announce a nationwide family campaign by ICNA with the theme “Save Family, Save Society”. The five-week long campaign will Insha Allah commence on September 21 and end on October 31, 2009. The slogan adopted for this campaign is “Save yourselves and your families from a Fire …” (Al-Quran, 66:6). Family is the foundation of the society. The peace and security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued and essential for the spiritual growth of its members. Strong family values are also the bedrock of Dawah when inviting others to Islam.

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating family structure in the United States, many Muslim families are also suffering from multiple issues and problems inside their homes. The Imams and religious leaders have observed this phenomenon as the numbers of family problems and crises increased manifold in recent years in their respective Muslim communities around the Masajid and Islamic centers.

This national campaign on family will help us to achieve the following goals:

Educate Muslims and fellow citizens of other faiths about Family Values in Islam
Promote the religious and universal values on family related issues
Develop stronger relationship with Masajid and Islamic Centers
Market and enhance ICNA work and image with coordinated efforts of all ICNA entities
We expect that during the five weeks of the national campaign on Family, ICNA activities at all levels will focus on the campaign theme “Save Family, Save Society.” Insha Allah, the Muslim Family Day @ Six Flags will be organized in nine cities. We are expecting more than 70,000 Muslims from 40 states will be participating in these celebrations. The Message Magazine will be publishing a special issue on the theme of the campaign. There will be a dedicated website covering family issues, tips, guidelines and recommended Islamic material. The Muslim Family Services will be launched in several cities and its website will be updated and linked to the campaign. ICNA Relief will be establishing a National Family Counseling Hotline. Workshops on family and parenting, and interfaith family seminars will be offered throughout the USA. Posters, flyers and other related material will also be printed and provided to all ICNA chapters, Masajid and Islamic centers. Jumaah khutabas will be presented on the family related issues during the campaign.

We will strongly encourage you to become an active participant in the campaign by doing the following items:

Arrange at least one family meeting at home to discuss Islamic guidelines for the family
Study at least one book / multimedia item on family from the suggested list on our website
Read and distribute the special issue of The Message Magazine on Family
Send gift basket to at least 7 non-Muslim neighbors to mark Eid celebrations and family campaign. The basket should include the dawah brochures.
Email to your family and friends the details of the ICNA National Campaign on Family
Attend a family workshop or seminar with your spouse
Strengthen your family bonds and commitment while achieving balance in activism and family responsibilities

Participate, where possible, in the Muslim Family Day celebrations at Six Flags.
If you are a Khateeb or Imam, please deliver all five khutabas (during Sep. 21st to Oct. 31st) on family related topics.
Sign up on ICNA website for any volunteer work for the campaign.
Make du’a for yourself, your family, Muslim community and the society at large for a healthy family living according to the divine guidance.
May Allah swt bless your efforts, ameen. If you have any questions, suggestion or need more information, please contact the ICNA National Family Campaign at 877-363-ICNA and/or


Zahid Bukhari
President, ICNA

September 30, 2009 at 2:14 pm Leave a comment


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